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AND SCHOOLS OF BIOMETRICS from 1996 till today
Since 1996th to date HBMD (Croatian Biometric Society) in cooperation with the University Computing Centre - SRCE continuously maintained BIOSTAT - International annual meeting of biometricians - statisticians within the framework of the International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces ITI - Lecturers of the HBMD’s International Schools of Biometrics are invited speakers with worldwide reputation.
List of topics and lecturers:
No. | Year, location | ITI conference, BIOSTAT | Topic | Lecturer(s) |
24 | 2023, Zadar | 26th BIOSTAT | Global Envelopes in R | Tomáš Mrkvička (University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic) |
23 | 2021, Poreč | 25th BIOSTAT | Using Shiny Apps in Teaching Statistics | Diana Šimić (Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Varaždin, Croatia) |
22 | 2019, Zagreb | 24th BIOSTAT | Spatial Analysis for Biomedical and Related Fields | Andrew B. Lawson (Medical University of South Carolina, USA) |
21 | 2017, Šibenik | 23rd BIOSTAT | Human Microbiome Data Analysis: Overview and Statistical Problems | Snehalata Huzurbazar (University of Wyoming, USA) |
20 | 2015, Dubrovnik | 22nd BIOSTAT | Multiple Sets of Multivariate Time Series | Lynne Billard (University of Georgia, Athens, USA) |
19 | 2014, Dubrovnik | 21st BIOSTAT | Causal Modeling | Kent Eskridge (University of Nebraska - Lincoln, USA) |
18 | 2013, Cavtat | 35th ITI 2013, 20th BIOSTAT | Applications of Geographic Information Systems and Geo-spatial Modeling in Environmental Epidemiology | John E. Vena (University of Georgia, USA) |
17 | 2012, Cavtat | 34th ITI 2012, 19th BIOSTAT | The p>>n problem in current statistical applications | Patrik Waldmann (Sweden) |
17 | 2012, Cavtat | 34th ITI 2012, 19th BIOSTAT | Very many variables and limited numbers of observations | Johann Sölkner (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria) |
16 | 2011, Cavtat | 33rd ITI 2011, 18th BIOSTAT | Analysis of Areal Health Data: Statistical Issues and Methods | Linda J. Young (University of Florida, USA), Carol A. Gotway (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevetion) |
15 | 2010, Cavtat | 32nd ITI 2010, 17th BIOSTAT | Introduction to Bayesian Inference and MCMC: A 3-hour Minitour | Daniel Gianola (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA) |
14 | 2009, Cavtat | 31st ITI 2009, 16th BIOSTAT | Correspondence Analysis in Ecological Research | Michael Greenacre (Pompeu Fabra University, Spain) |
13 | 2008, Cavtat | 30th ITI 2008, 15th BIOSTAT | Symbolic Data Analysis | Lynne Billard (University of Georgia, Athens, USA) |
12 | 2007, Cavtat | 29th ITI 2007, 14th BIOSTAT | Design of Experiments for Non-linear Models | Barbara Bogacka (Queen Mary University of London, UK) |
11 | 2006, Cavtat | 28th ITI 2006, 13th BIOSTAT | Analysing On-line Monitoring Data from Intensive Care Alarm Systems | Ursula Gather (Dortmund University, Germany) |
10 | 2005, Cavtat | 27th ITI 2005, 12th BIOSTAT | Modern Experimantal Designs: Construction and Analysis | Emlyn Williams (CSIRO Forestry and Forrest Products, Australia) |
9 | 2004, Cavtat | 26th ITI 2004, 11th BIOSTAT | Causal Inference with Observational Data | Stijn Vansteelandt (Ghent University, Belgium) |
8 | 2003, Cavtat | 25th ITI 2003, 10th BIOSTAT | Adaptive Designs | Nancy Flournoy (University of Missoury, USA) |
7 | 2002, Cavtat | 24th ITI 2002, 9th BIOSTAT | Cluster Analysis | Anuška Ferligoj (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) |
6 | 2001, Pula | 23rd ITI 2001, 8th BIOSTAT | Analyzing Observational Data for Health Policy | Sharon-Lise T. Normand (Harvard University, Boston, USA) |
5 | 2000, Pula | 22nd ITI'2000, 7th BIOSTAT | Repeated Measurements and the Design of Experiments | Lynne Billard (University of Georgia, Athens, USA) |
5 | 2000, Zagreb | 7th BIOSTAT | Introduction to Design of Experiments | Lynne Billard (University of Georgia, Athens, USA) |
4 | 1999, Pula | 21st ITI '99, 6th BIOSTAT | Order Restricted Inference | Allan R. Sampson (University of Pittsburg, USA) |
3 | 1998, Pula / Zagreb | 20th ITI '98, 5th BIOSTAT | Mixed and Multiplicative Models for the Analysis of Series of Experiments | Fred A. van Eeuwijk (Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands) |
3 | 1998, Pula / Zagreb | 20th ITI '98, 5th BIOSTAT | Statistical Methods for Meta-Analysis | Ingram Olkin (Stanford University, USA) |
2 | 1997, Pula | 19th ITI '97, 4th BIOSTAT | Statistical Analysis of Textual Data | William Martinez (Universite de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, France) |
1 | 1996, Pula | 18th ITI '96, 3rd BIOSTAT | Survival Analysis: Cox Model and Related Topics | Johann Sölkner (BOKU, University of Agriculture, Vienna, Austria), Michael Schemper (Department of Medical Computer Sciences, University Vienna, Austria) |
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