The Croatian Biometrics Society - Croatian region of the International Biometric society (HBMD-IBS) holds regular meetings to bring together members and encourage discussion within the community. At these meetings, invited speakers present the latest methods and ideas in biometrics and related sciences. A list of previously organized meetings can be found here.
Goals of HBMD-IBS are :
Creating a social climate that encourages scientific research, development and innovation in biometrics, as well as development of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research;
Creating and disseminating culture, especially humanization of science, as well as strengthening internal scientific and ethical (program and personnel) criteria;
Creating a modern educational system that will enable the development of biometric science with an emphasis on unified criteria;
Encouraging and facilitating discussion of all issues where biometric research can contribute to economic, technological, social, civilized and cultural development of the country;
Advancing the social status, rights and material security of scientific work and biometric researchers and professionals.
Goals of HBMD-IBS are achieved through:
Organization of national and international scientific conferences, schools and seminars, professional meetings, plenary meetings, public lectures, and other various ways of training staff and disseminating results of scientific research;
Cooperation with related scientific and professional associations and organizations at home and abroad;
Initiation of research projects;
Publishing periodicals, monographs, textbooks, course material, manuals, web pages, audio-visual works, etc.