Please click on the picture below and download Registration Form (A4)
Please send the Registration Form till May 15, 2023
to Croatian Biometric Society e-mail: hbmd@hbmd.hr
Registration fee: Late registration fee:
until May 26, 2023 May 26, 2023 .. and later
Regular Participant 300 € 330 €
HBMD Member 240 € 270 €
Accompanying Person 110 € 130 €
Registration fee includes:
- entrance to all sessions
- book of abstracts and printed materials
- coffee breaks
- 3 lunches
- Welcome Symposium
- Special Evening Workshop with OLAK Activities
Registration fee for Accompanying Persons includes:
- coffee breaks
- 3 lunches
- Welcome Symposium
- Special Evening Workshop with OLAK Activities
Please, send us an e-mail with information about accompanying persons.
Special Offer for BS and MS Students
(with Certificate of Enrollment)
BS and MS students are encouraged to participate in Symposium with or without abstracts (presentations).
Incl: Access to all presentations and coffee breaks
Due to Croatian legislation we cannot accept cash payment at symposium venue.
All registration fees should be paid in advance by bank transfer to the account:
Bank name: Privredna Banka Zagreb, Croatia
Bank address: Radnička cesta 50/I HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Beneficiary name: Hrvatsko biometrijsko društvo
Beneficiary address: Svetošimunska cesta 23, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
IBAN: HR38 2340 0091 1000 1824 8
With the following obligatory note:
participant's name and designation "BIOSTAT“
All payer bank charges are payer's responsibility.
Non-EU participants may use PayPal =>
Finally, please send:
payment confirmation
invoice recipient details
filled in Registration form (MS Word),
names of accompanying persons